Residential numbers:
- BT Phone directory The most complete, with good wildcard search options. Use an * asterisk to leave a name or city incomplete: i.e: James Smit* or Cambr*
- 192.com: One of the best resources to find someone in the UK. You have to register(for free) Some services are available only for a fee.
- 192 People Finder: Using this page you can search over 200 million records from the 2002 to 2007 Electoral Rolls, 13 million people in the Directory Enquiries database, 3 million Director reports and over 300 million Birth, Marriage & Death records from 1837 onwards.
- 192 Electoral Roll: Current and historical Electoral Rolls from 2002 onwards
- 192 Directory Enquiries: Free records, updated daily. Residential & business numbers.
- Advanced People Search: Find people by family members names or other co-habitees that live at the same address. Allows you to specify any type of location details or no address at all
- 192.com Family Records: Searches all UK Birth, Marriage & Death records from 1837 to 2004 plus 1861 census information
- 192 Aerial Photos: Street maps with every UK street labelled and the highest quality aerial photos
- Infobel UK: Good search tool, easy to use results, plus a map
- InfoSpace’s UK listing Good interface, results not always reliable
- Scoot Register, then it’s free
Business numbers:
- EYB Yellow Pages: Official BT site. Excellent way to search by name, location or industry
- Scoot: Cuter than EYB and gives you
- Infospace Business Finder Includes search by name and category
- Ask Alex: Promises 1.8 million businesses. By name, not location
- InBusiness: Search 2.2 million companies
UK Reverse Lookup Providers
- 192.com: For a fee, a reverse search via telephone numbers and street address
- Advanced search: Simply put in an address or a post code and find someone in a house or everyone on a street.
- 192 Electoral Roll
- 192 Directory Enquiries
- 192 People Finder
UK Phone Books & Phone Number Lookups
Residential numbers:
- BT Phone directory: The most complete, with good wildcard search options. Use an * asterisk to leave a name or city incomplete: i.e: James Smit* or Cambr*
- 192.com: One of the best resources to find someone in the UK. You have to register(for free) Some services are available only for a fee.
- 192 People Finder: Using this page you can search over 200 million records from the 2002 to 2007 Electoral Rolls, 13 million people in the Directory Enquiries database, 3 million Director reports and over 300 million Birth, Marriage & Death records from 1837 onwards.
- 192 Electoral Roll: Current and historical Electoral Rolls from 2002 onwards
- 192 Directory Enquiries: Free records, updated daily. Residential & business numbers.
- Advanced People Search: Find people by family members names or other co-habitees that live at the same address. Allows you to specify any type of location details or no address at all
- 192.com Family Records: Searches all UK Birth, Marriage & Death records from 1837 to 2004 plus 1861 census information
- 192 Aerial Photos: Street maps with every UK street labelled and the highest quality aerial photos
- Infobel UK: Good search tool, easy to use results, plus a map
- InfoSpace’s UK listing: Good interface, results not always reliable
- Scoot: Register, then it’s free
Business numbers:
- EYB Yellow Pages: Official BT site. Excellent way to search by name, location or industry
- Scoot: Cuter than EYB and gives you
- Infospace Business Finder: Includes search by name and category
- Ask Alex: Promises 1.8 million businesses. By name, not location
- InBusiness: : Search 2.2 million companies
UK Reverse Lookup Providers
- 192.com: For a fee, a reverse search via telephone numbers and street address
- Advanced search: Simply put in an address or a post code and find someone in a house or everyone on a street.
- 192 Electoral Roll:
- 192 Directory Enquiries:
- 192 People Finder: